October 2020: New paper in Optics Letters

Today our paper “High Quality factor micro-ring resonator for strong atom-light interactions using miniature atomic beams”, a collaborative study with Ali Adibi’s group at Georgia Tech ECE, appeared in Optics Letters.  Congratulations to co-first authors Ali Eshaghian Dorche of ECE and Bochao Wei of the Raman Lab for this achievement!


Arxiv version:



July 2020: Our article in PRL this week is an Editor’s Suggestion

Our observation of magnetic solitons appeared in PRL today as an Editor’s Suggestion:

Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 030402 (2020)

together with the article from Giacomo Lamporesi’s group at the University of Trento in Italy.

See the highlight article in Physics magazine:


Congrats to Xiao, Roady and our theory team Kazuya Fujimoto (Nagoya University), and Ryusuke Hamazaki and Masahito Ueda (University of Tokyo) for this great success!

July 2019: Farewell to our summer intern

Honored to have had Rajini Sundar, Science teacher at Stilwell School of the Arts, and Keshaun Kelly, visiting our lab for the summer to learn about our research and how to take it back to the classroom.  And a special thanks to the GIFT program and CEISMC for sponsoring their stay.  Today we said goodbye to them at the GIFT program farewell luncheon, where Keshaun also presented a poster:


Also thrilled that CEISMC featured our lab in their highlights video!  Check it out: