Our paper on the first experimental observation of magnetic solitons in an antiferromagnetic spinor BEC of sodium atoms is now on the arXiv:
Check it out!
Quantum Sensing and Quantum Many-Body Physics with Neutral Atoms
Our paper on the first experimental observation of magnetic solitons in an antiferromagnetic spinor BEC of sodium atoms is now on the arXiv:
Check it out!
Honored to have had Rajini Sundar, Science teacher at Stilwell School of the Arts, and Keshaun Kelly, visiting our lab for the summer to learn about our research and how to take it back to the classroom. And a special thanks to the GIFT program and CEISMC for sponsoring their stay. Today we said goodbye to them at the GIFT program farewell luncheon, where Keshaun also presented a poster:
Also thrilled that CEISMC featured our lab in their highlights video! Check it out:
Our paper on cascaded collimators for atomic beams traveling in planar silicon devices appeared today in Nature Communications:
See also the tweet to the nice write-up by Ben Brumfield of Georgia Tech’s College of Sciences:
Atomic beams on silicon! A new paper from our lab offers a novel approach to on-chip quantum technologies.https://t.co/4YQnO92oYu
— Chandra Raman (@ChandraRaman4) April 23, 2019
This work was the result of a collaboration with Farrokh Ayazi’s group in ECE at Georgia Tech. Congratulations to 1st author Chao Li and to everyone on the team!
Here fellow GT faculty Rick Trebino and I explain the significance of the 2018 Physics Nobel prize for CPA (Chirped Pulse Amplification):
Our paper on Hanbury-Brown and Twiss correlations in a quenched spinor BEC has been accepted for publication in the New Journal of Physics Special Issue: Spotlight on Multicomponent Quantum Matter
Farewell lunch to wish Autumn good luck in her semester abroad at GT Lorraine!